Registering on Alcohol Infusions is always 100% free.

We hope you will enjoy using this site to share your latest cocktails, to learn, share, comment on stories and interact with fellow alcohol enthusiasts. To keep the site fun for all we put together a couple guidelines for all users to follow. Think of it as a recipe for community harmony.

We will do our best to moderate the site frequently however, if you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to send us a love letter with your thoughts.

In accordance with the liquor laws of the United States, all participates of Alcohol Infusions need to be at least 21 years of age. 

Keep it Fun

fun drunk

Parties should always be fun but sometime your friend can’t handle their liquor and need to go home to sober up. Alcohol Infusions is a community for friendly discussion about all things liquor related. Some of you may have strong opinions about your drinking and that is a-OK but please remember to be a good party goer and refrain from comments that are personal or could be hurtful to others. Passion about your passion is good but not when it hurts others. Please remember to be kind. No one enjoys a mean drunk!

Be Honest

Alcohol Infusions is a site built to help customers of Bootleg Botanicals learn more about how to use their infusion kits and create delicious cocktails with their infused booze. As a user of this site you will come across references to Bootleg Botanicals products in recipes and articles. However, we want this community to grow beyond infusions and encourage others to submit their recipesspirits, and alcohol related products on this site. If you are a business owner and you would like to collaborate and share your products please do so in a fair and honest manner. If you have a product you would like us to review please email us.

Focus on Alcohol

There are many alcohol subjects to discuss. If you have a story idea, alcohol related product or cocktail recipe we’d love to hear it. However, the focus of Alcohol Infusions is creating drinks, sharing stories and reviews of alcoholic beverages, venues etc. Please try to keep comments related to cocktails and fun aspects of the alcohol world.

Copyrighted Materials

Please don’t post any copyrighted materials (recipes) from other sources on Alcohol Infusions. It’s OK to summarize a review, article or even take a quote from an original source but refrain from copying and pasting anything you find on the internet that isn’t yours unless you give proper credit to the owner or obtain written permission in advance.

Spamming and Trolling

Please don’t spam our community. Spammers and trolls will be flagged and deleted without haste. As mentioned in the “Be Honest” and “Keep it Fun” guidelines above; we are happy to share any alcohol related products to the Alcohol Infusions community if they are presented in a fair and honest manner however, anyone using this site as a platform for bullying or dishonest self-promotion will be banned from future use of