Timing wise, having Mr. Boston’s Breakfast Egg Nogg fall on a Sunday was perfect. The only hiccup is, we didn’t have any milk to mix this one up with our morning meal.
Due to health stuff, I gave up on milk about a year ago. For our vintage drinking experiment we’ve needed to bring dairy back into the house. The problem is, we can’t seem to finish the quart size before it goes bad. I wish they sold it in the school cafeteria size, that would work so much better!
Thankfully, milk isn’t horribly expensive, I just hate wasting food. Each time I purchase a new quart I promise to work the extra into a meal or add it to my black coffee. So far, it hasn’t happened yet.
Today’s nogg will be the third recipe were tried thus far. In total, my 1935 cocktail book has nine Egg Nogg cocktails, I only hope at least one of them will pop up at the proper time of the year 🙂
Using proper breakfast ingredients, egg and milk, the name seems fitting. However, this is definitely a drink to be enjoyed on a day off from work. While an average Mimosa clocks in between 8 – 10% ABV, the Breakfast Egg Nogg is closer to 19%. Not mention the caloric difference.
On the plus side, the Nogg has protein, calcium, D, B12, zinc and potentially some vitamin C. It also serves a dual purpose as being a meal unto itself if need be. I wouldn’t recommend imbibing  on an empty stomach though.
On the subject of the ever present raw egg quandary, I wondered when American’s became concerned about it. Clearly, it was not a big concern in 1935. So far Ryan and I have enjoyed several raw egg cocktails and we’ve only cracked the first 39 pages of the book! Heck, I remember eating raw cookie dough without fear as a kid.

If like me, you tend to ignore your eggs in the fridge until something calls for them, this water test is a very handy way to make sure they are still good to eat. The long and short… if the egg floats in a bowl of water, throw it out 🙂
After poking around the net, I wasn’t able to find out when raw eggs became something to fear. The U.S. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) was founded in 1930 but didn’t appear to start regulating as thoroughly as they do today until 1938 when the Federal Food, Drug and Costmetic (FDC) Act was passed by Congress. Maybe it’s just something that evolved as we all became more aware of what we were eating. Humm…
Since I wasn’t able to mix up the recipe this morning, our Breakfast Egg Nogg was enjoyed after lunch. I crafted Mr. Boston’s recipe using:
- 4 ounces of milk
- one whole egg
- 1-1/8 ounces of Apricot
- 1/3 ounce Orange Curacao
My egg carton had a use by date of the 5th so I used the float test to make sure they were still good to use. After submerging the egg in a glass of water the white shell stood on end but did not float. Maybe my eggs are a little older than the use by indicates.
The recipe doesn’t mention adding ice to the shaker and since the milk and egg were straight out of the fridge, I decided to mix sans ice.
The handy dandy shaker ball helped me blend all the ingredients to a light foam, still it was quite the upper arm work out!
After straining the blend into my flip cup, I was concerned this cocktail might be too eggy as the shaker had a bit of an off smell. We took our glamour shots of the lovely pale yellow hued drink and gave it a try… It is delicious! Not eggy at all. The apricot and orange worked perfectly with the smooth, creamy milk and thick whipped egg. The hint of nutmeg sprinkled on top added a aromatic treat as the drink is sipped.
I could see myself enjoying this recipe for breakfast some lazy weekend. Definitely a keeper!