Adventures with Apricot Nectar

Adventures with Apricot Nectar

As predicted our St. Paddy’s day celebration fun ate up the weekend and now that the Ginger Beer order is on it’s way to New York I can get back to drinking! These next two recipes took some digging to figure out what in the heck they meant by Apricot...
Sherry and Vermouth and Bitters Oh My!

Sherry and Vermouth and Bitters Oh My!

My only experience with Sherry has been through cooking. That being said, when the Adonis Cocktail called for Dry Sherry I had no idea where to start. Our first liquor stop didn’t carry any Sherry and having cooked with it before I figured Albertsons might have...
Onto Page Two

Onto Page Two

Tonight we finished the last Absinthe recipe on the first page of Mr. Boston’s 1935 edition. Having enjoyed Absinthe since its reappearance to the US in the early 2000’s, Ryan and I usually stick to the traditional style of drinking Absinthe. I was...