My high hopes to keep up with my Mr. Boston’s blogging were thwarted by all the amazing events at this years Tales of the Cocktail. While I had truly planned on taking an hour or two out of my day to share with you the wonders of the cocktail world, I also...
The night got away from me again as Ryan and I made our way down to The Strip to sip cocktails with friends from out of town. Our friends wanted to go to the newest Sugar Factory location in town. Though this wasn’t our first time to the land of everything...
We leave for New Orleans in less than a week, but though I have a ton to do I have no energy to any of it 🙁 It’s been rather humid out here in Las Vegas which I suppose is good training for the weather down in Louisiana this time of year. Man! The warm, sticky...
The Broken Spur appears to mix an odd group of ingredients together. I feared this 1935 experience may turn out as poorly as Mr. Boston’s Brazil Cocktail recipe due to the use of strong flavored spirits. While the instructions note the use of “Mr. Boston...
As I continue through Mr. Boston’s 1935 cocktail book, I’m finding that there is a lot of misinformation floating around the drink world. On the heels of the Aviation mistaken Blue Devil, comes yet another recipe many bloggers misdescribe. The Blue Moon...