Timing wise, having Mr. Boston’s Breakfast Egg Nogg fall on a Sunday was perfect. The only hiccup is, we didn’t have any milk to mix this one up with our morning meal. Due to health stuff, I gave up on milk about a year ago. For our vintage drinking...
Eggnog in June is different to be sure. Certainly not the usual Summertime refreshment choice. But when duty calls, one must mix up some raw eggs, milk and Brandy for the cause! While the Baltimore Egg Nogg involves a wide variety of spirits, today’s Mr. Bostons...
While the first two “B” titled recipes in Mr. Boston’s 1935 Bartender’s Guide were a bit underwhelming, the section redeemed itself with two Baltimore inspired delights. Both the Baltimore Bracer and Baltimore Egg Nog called for, you guessed it… raw eggs. As I’ve...