The Bennett and Bermuda Rose Cocktails

The Bennett and Bermuda Rose Cocktails

If there is one thing the vintage cocktail books can agree on, it is that they don’t agree at all! Writing instructions is tricky business. I can attest to this first hand, having spent many hours trying to describe the way to use our products with accuracy and...
The Belmont Cocktail

The Belmont Cocktail

In anticipation of last nights Mr. Boston’s recipe, Ryan and I stopped off at Trader Joe’s to pick up a pack of fresh raspberries. Following a tasting spree of delicious goat cheese, wine and even ice cream with coffee syrup, we made our way home to get...
The Bachelor’s Bait Cocktail

The Bachelor’s Bait Cocktail

I was more intrigued by the name for the next Mr. Boston’s recipe than the ingredients. There is something a little nefarious about the title, Bachelor’s Bait. Was the drink intended to help capture a bachelor or was it a way for bachelor’s...
Babbie’s (Not So) Special Cocktail

Babbie’s (Not So) Special Cocktail

I was so excited to get into the “B” section of Mr. Boston’s 1935 edition. That is until we tasted the first drink on the list… Babbie’s Special Cocktail. As another blogger eloquently put it, “I really hope Babbie was special for...
The Aviation Cocktail Done Four Ways

The Aviation Cocktail Done Four Ways

Every time we made one of our many pilgrimages to the liquor store, Ryan pointed out that we didn’t yet own a bottle of Creme de Violette. Trying to be frugal, I reminded him of the expense that still lay ahead as there were a lot of spirits left to purchase for...