The Bachelor’s Bait Cocktail

The Bachelor’s Bait Cocktail

I was more intrigued by the name for the next Mr. Boston’s recipe than the ingredients. There is something a little nefarious about the title, Bachelor’s Bait. Was the drink intended to help capture a bachelor or was it a way for bachelor’s...
Babbie’s (Not So) Special Cocktail

Babbie’s (Not So) Special Cocktail

I was so excited to get into the “B” section of Mr. Boston’s 1935 edition. That is until we tasted the first drink on the list… Babbie’s Special Cocktail. As another blogger eloquently put it, “I really hope Babbie was special for...
A Tale of Two Cremes

A Tale of Two Cremes

Before embarking on this Mr. Boston’s journey, we had never heard of Creme Yvette. Given the recent popularity of the Aviation Cocktail, we had been aware of Creme de Violette for sometime but it was not until I started researching all of the liquor variants...
The Gin Decision

The Gin Decision

By some miracle we managed to get home before the sun went down yesterday. In fact we even had time for our nightly Mr. Boston cocktail (or 2 😉 ) As I hinted yesterday, last nights Around The World Cocktail* notes some strange ingredient combinations. Surprisingly...
Apricot Brandy Cocktails Abound

Apricot Brandy Cocktails Abound

Holy Monday! Seems there was a scheduling mix-up and a large order of Ginger Beer Kits need to leave our warehouse a week earlier than expected – YIKES! Needless to say, things are a wee chaotic around here. While Ryan hurriedly puts together the Ginger Beer...