Today’s Mr. Boston’s cocktail recipe hearkens back to another bloody period in human history fought on the shores of Scotland in 1745. Seeking to regain the throne of England for his family, Bonnie Prince Charlie (Charles Edward Stuart) helped to form the...
I needed a Cameron’s Kick today. For some reason my brain wasn’t fully functioning. Thank God it’s Friday! The recipe published in Mr. Boston’s 1935 for the Cameron’s Kick can also be discovered in the Savoy Book with one slight...
It’s 9:30 PM and I’m just getting around to tonight’s Mr. Boston post – YIKES! Where did the day go?! The Bobby Burns Cocktail is as memorable as the work of the poet who inspired it. I vote that in addition to singing Robert Burn’s Auld...
The Blue Blazer is the first drink that literally scared me. How on earth can making a cocktail be scary you ask? Two words, fire and booze! Not just any fire and booze drink however, the Blue Blazer has been described as a mythical cocktail. The flair drink to end...
With the whirl-wind excitement of the weekend behind us, I’m finally getting around to the final “blood” titled drink in Mr. Boston’s 1935 cocktail book. It didn’t hit me until mixing up this third installment but one of my favorite...