Three-thirty in the morning is way too early for this girl. Our normal bedtime is usually 1 am so I figured that I’d have a tough time falling asleep at 10 pm. Somehow between all the running around, heat and pure exhaustion, I didn’t have any trouble entering dreamland quickly. It was a nice change of pace as normally my brain decides to go on a writing spree just as my head hits the pillow. Still, rising before the sun should be outlawed! It is now 7 PM here in New Orleans (only 5 PM at home) and I’m ready to shut the curtains and catch some Z’s.
The flight from Vegas to NOLA was smooth but incredibly boring. There is a reason I gravitate towards road trips over the friendly skies. To my dismay, time did not permit a 4 day drive and we decided that air made more sense. If only Southwest Airlines served free adult beverages!
We caught an Uber from the airport to the Hotel Monteleone. Ninety percent of the Tales of the Cocktail events will be hosted in this beautiful historic hotel on Royal street. Not only is the vintage of the building spectacular but the Monteleone is just steps from Bourbon Street. You really can’t beat the location.
After settling into our quaint room on the 9th floor, Ryan and I made our way over to the Bourbon House. After my Brandy Milk Punch post, this frozen version was top of my must do list.
We enjoyed our Old Forester based ice cream beverage with a delicious burger, french fries and what I can only imagine was fresh baked french bread. Everything was delightful including the atmosphere.
As it happens, our alcohol infusion kits are sold through a gift shop in the French Market. Just blocks from the famed Cafe Du Monde, What’s New NOLA offers a wide range of unique, New Orleans finds which includes our Absinthe, Old Fashioned and Gin making kits.
Until today, we hadn’t seen the display in person nor had we met the owner, Nancy, face to face. Ryan and I decided to work off our burger and fries with a brisk mile walk to the shop. It was worth every step 🙂
Back at the hotel, we had to make our way down to the Carousel Bar. How often do you have the opportunity to enjoy two of New Orleans signature drinks on a moving carousel? I’m not sure if I love the combination of booze and spinning but the drinks were a nice way to end a very busy day.

Installed in 1949, the Carousel Bar takes 15 minutes to complete one revolution around the room.
At the bar we ordered up a Vieux Carre’ and a Sazerac.
In truth we weren’t bowled over by the bartenders technique. The mixologists behind the bar were less than precise on their measuring and half the alcohol had fallen from the shaker before the drink was served. The amount of spilled libations was staggering. For us booze hounds, it was a sad sight to witness.
Thankfully, the drinks tasted good. The Benedictine was heavy on the Vieux Carre’ but I didn’t mind that at all. The Sazerac felt like it lacked the full dose of simple syrup. It was still good just a bit too dry for me.
As you can see it has been a whirlwind day and now I must bid you goodnight. Tomorrow I’ll resume my Mr. Boston’s quest with a Brown Cocktail mixed up by the brand ambassador from Sailor Jerry’s. I’m excited to see how it turns out – until tomorrow!