An Adult Slurpee, the Claret Cobbler

An Adult Slurpee, the Claret Cobbler

We’re experiencing unseasonably warm weather in Las Vegas. I’m sure that sounds funny to anyone who doesn’t live here but temperatures above 110 usually stop by the middle of August. The last few days have been warm enough for the National Weather...
The Cider Egg Nogg

The Cider Egg Nogg

The Cider Egg Nogg almost didn’t make it again tonight. After a long day of cleaning mixed with an evening at a Smashmouth concert, we’re beat! Since I made a special trip to the store for that pesky milk, we muscled our way through the drink preparation....
The Circus Rickey Cocktail

The Circus Rickey Cocktail

We didn’t have any milk in the house for tonight’s scheduled Mr. Boston’s recipe. Rather than getting dressed and standing in the lines at Albertson’s, I decided to do something I’ve tried hard to avoid… skip ahead. Rather than the...
Cider Cup Day Two

Cider Cup Day Two

I really wanted to test the proof on that 4 year old apple cider but, we forgot to look for the dang hydrometer at the shop and now I’m too tired to go fetch it… oh well! Another round of cider is called for in tonight’s Mr. Boston’s 1935 Cider...
The Cider Cup No.1 from 1935

The Cider Cup No.1 from 1935

It appears that the Cider Cocktail received an overhaul during Prohibition. Once a simple recipe of sugar, bitters, lemon peel and Apple Cider; it appears that Harry MacElhone “spiced” things up around 1923. Leo Cotton continues in this vain with his Cider...