Before embarking on this Mr. Boston’s journey, we had never heard of Creme Yvette. Given the recent popularity of the Aviation Cocktail, we had been aware of Creme de Violette for sometime but it was not until I started researching all of the liquor variants...
By some miracle we managed to get home before the sun went down yesterday. In fact we even had time for our nightly Mr. Boston cocktail (or 2 😉 ) As I hinted yesterday, last nights Around The World Cocktail* notes some strange ingredient combinations. Surprisingly...
The next cocktail in Mr. Boston’s 1935 edition is a full of curiosity. The Apple Blow Fizz is comprised of pretty standard ingredients but, despite its moniker, there is no Apple in sight! Rather than Apple Brandy, (which is now the spirit of choice for this...
In an effort to catch up from our week long hiatus, Ryan and I went on a tasting spree last night. It only seemed fitting since the next four recipes in Mr. Boston’s 1935 edition all begin with the word Appetizer. Might as well keep them in a series, right? Up...
I’ll admit it, we had the pleasure of enjoying the Apparent Cocktail early. We couldn’t just sit around and not enjoy a cocktail or three while we waited to make our way down south for missing ingredients 🙂 Plus, the Apparent has some of our favorite...